Dart Checklist.

Basic Concepts


Dart is an object-oriented language with C-style syntax which can optionally trans compile into JavaScript. It supports a varied range of programming aids like interfaces, classes, collections, generics, and optional typing.


Variables and Data Types: Understanding how to declare and initialize variables, and the different data types available in Dart, is essential to writing effective code.

Data Types


  1. - Single Line
  2. - Multi Line
  3. - Documentation Comment


Libraries, Packages & Imports

Dart has a rich ecosystem of libraries and packages that can help you write code more efficiently. Understanding how to use these libraries and packages can help you write better code and speed up your development process.

Control flow statements

Control flow statements, such as if-else statements, loops, and switch statements, help you control the flow of your program.


Decision Making

Jumping Statements

Object Oriented

Dart is an object-oriented language, which means that everything is an object. Understanding how to create and use classes and objects is essential to building complex programs.




Generics allow you to write code that can work with a variety of different data types. Understanding how to use generics can help you write more flexible and reusable code.

Exception & Error handling

Error handling is an important part of programming. Dart has a comprehensive set of exception handling mechanisms that can help you handle errors and exceptions effectively.

Other Operators




Dart has built-in support for asynchronous programming, which allows you to perform time-consuming operations without blocking the main thread.

Unit Testing

Testing is an important part of software development, and Dart has built-in support for writing unit tests. It's important to understand how to write and run tests in Dart, as well as how to use testing frameworks like Flutter's built-in testing library or the popular package, test.

Additional Resources

Futures and Streams

Futures and streams are powerful abstractions in Dart that allow you to work with asynchronous code more effectively.


Dart has powerful meta-programming features, including reflection and annotations, which allow you to write code that can inspect and modify itself at runtime. Understanding how to use these features can help you write more flexible and modular code.


Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task. Dart has several types of functions, including named functions, anonymous functions, and higher-order functions.

Important Object Methods